ALEX DE CARVALHO - General Manager, SayWhat Hearing

Jeska guided me through a process of self-discovery, learning, and transformation. I greatly benefited from the sacred and safe container we co-created in which I could fully explore deep-seated challenges. Through her knowledge and through the discipline of weekly and daily practice, I was able to address important patterns of behavior and to discard habits that were no longer serving me. I had significant breakthroughs at the start and the middle of the program, which she helped me consolidate and integrate as we completed the experience. This came at the right time for me and I am by far the better off for it, and I feel happier and lighter to boot. I give Jeska my heartfelt recommendation.


MELANIE CHARLTON - Founder & CEO, Brllnt


NIKKI DESANTIS - Senior Account Executive, Maritz Global Events